I have worked as a periodontist since graduating from Baylor College of Dentistry in 2004 and have owned a practice for 15 years. Between my education and business loans, there were times I felt crushed by debt. Many business consultants and courses pushed production as the main metric of success. But in 2017, when my team and I were at the height of our production, I was burned out and making less money than ever before. I was tempted to walk away from dentistry all together.
Thankfully, someone suggested I read Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. Within the book, Mike outlines a system which guarantees profitability starting the first day of implementation. I began working the system early in 2018 and have since paid off all remaining business and school loan debt (early), fully funded my 401(k) profit sharing accounts and maintained my take home pay without having to work more.
I believed in the system so much that I pursued certification as a Profit First Professional in 2020, then in 2023, released Profit Over Production. As a practicing periodontist and certified PFP, I help dental colleagues implement the Profit First cash management system within their own dental practices. This allows owners to better understand their business finances, improve cash flow and ensure that their practices are profitable. It allows them to work smarter, rather than harder, which ultimately means less time working “in” the business and more time enjoying working “on” the business as the Dental CEO most were never trained to be.
Julie Woods
I am a practicing periodontist who has personally experienced enormous debt, practice ownership, cost of supplies, team management, etc.
I implemented the system in 2018 and now use it to manage my businesses and personal finances.
I have received specialized training, guidance and support from the entire network of Profit First Professionals as well as maintained my Advanced Certification.
I can make referrals to bookkeepers, accountants, bankers, pension companies and financial advisors who are known within the Profit First Professional community.

I know many people have read, or attempted to read, Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, but did not understand how to implement this system in their practice, nor thought it was feasible to have multiple bank accounts nor possible to reduce overhead to less than 65%. Most dentists are unsure if they are truly profitable or how to know if they are taking home the right “salary.” Often this leads to frustration, burnout, lack of good take home pay, increased debt or even embezzlement.
I do not want anyone to ever feel as overwhelmed and burned out as I felt. I do not want dentists to feel trapped by the debt they amassed when creating their ideal patient experience. I want dentists to have financially successful practices so they can serve their patients clinically for as long as they so desire.
Profit Over Production is your go-to guide to understand your finances, master the business of dentistry and create a profitable practice.

Limited Financial Exam of your practice finances - $2,500
I help bring clarity to your practice numbers by showing you how much money is coming in and going out, and just where it is going. I analyze the practice financials and give an overview of what has happened in the past. After our review, you will know what percentages to allocate in order to implement Profit First. This includes a one-hour Zoom review.